EOD Blog

  • Only Master Badges

    A quick back brief on why EODStuff is only featuring the Master Badge. 

  • Hazardous Device Technicians & Police Bomb Squads

    Honoring Hazardous Device Technicians & Police Bomb Squads When people think of bomb techs, their minds usually jump straight to military EOD units—but there’s another group of highly skilled professionals working tirelessly behind the scenes: Hazardous Device Technicians (HDTs) and...

  • Skeebb™, Skuba Skeebb™ & More

    The Skeebb? Skeebb stands for Skeleton, Booze, and Bomb Dude—our fun, EOD-infused take on Skelly from Social Distortion. The idea came to life when Kellie + Kurt (the OG EODStuff owners and operators) were making unit shirts for the USMC...

  • A new EODStuff Era

    Welcome to the New Era of EODStuff The wait is over. A fresh wave of designs, merch, and products is here, and we’re just getting started. EODStuff has always been about more than just gear—it’s a mindset, a way of...

  • A letter from the Billings

    The Impact of EODStuff and the EOD Community: Why We Chose to Carry the Torch At EODStuff, our mission goes beyond selling high-quality gear—we exist to support and honor the incredible Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) community. When the opportunity arose...

  • EODStuff Logo + Mascot

    Skeebb™ & Skuba Skeebb™: Officially Trademarked and Exclusive to EODStuff At EODStuff, we are committed to creating authentic, high-quality gear that represents the EOD community with integrity and originality. That’s why we are excited to reaffirm that our Skeebb™, Skuba...